Mist Machine is your local Canadian online shop for ultrasonic fog mister making atomizer machines. Mist makers produce water vapor with ultrasonic frequnecy, without the need of chemicals by supplying electricity to a ceramic disc. Misters are great for Halloween, DIY projects, decoration, hydroponics, as a humidifier, and much more. All of Mist Machine products can be purchased worldwide and free shipping is available for all products!
Mist Bowl: place a mist maker into a tasteful looking bowl so it gathers the mist in one area. A mist bowl looks great with built-in LED lights. Fountains: great for repairing and installing the tiny parts that makes up a watch. Used for installation of precious stones onto the watch face. Oil Diffuser: place a few drops of your favorite fragrance oil into the water you'll be misting and it acts as a great oil diffuser. Indoor Garden: have an indoor garden, or hydroponic farm? A mist maker is perfect for creating a humid environment just like a humidifier. Health: a mist maker will create humidity in a room and low humidity can cause adverse health effects like respiratory problems and throat issues. Halloween: throw away the old fogger machine! No need to buy bottles of chemicals and ghosts will love your eco friendly philosophy.